Do you sometimes struggle to find the time and a quiet space to read and enjoy your book? Readers are invited to MCPL-Wausau for our Silent Book Club event! A silent book club is a group of people that gather to read in quiet comradery. Think of it like an introvert happy hour! BYOBook, e-reader, or audiobook and enjoy a quiet, cozy, and relaxed atmosphere. Come on your own or bring a friend!
You’re welcome to bring your own nonalcoholic beverage and snacks. This event is free and open to adults, drop in anytime. we’ll meet in our Community Room. No registration is required. For more information call 715-261-7230.
For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on
(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)