Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Got questions? We’ve got answers!
We’ve listed the most common questions about library services and resources on this page. Select a question to see its answer.
If you can’t find your question in this list of FAQs, please contact us, or use the site search box at the top of this page.
What is my library card number (or patron ID)?
Your library card number (also called your patron ID or account number) is the 14-digit number found on your library card, near the barcode. Cards issued by Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) or...
How can I get a library card?
Marathon County Public Library cards are available free to all residents of Wisconsin. Wisconsin residents may register for a library card online or apply at any MCPL location. Visitors from out of...
How do I renew my library account, and why did it expire?
Library accounts expire every two years so we can update your contact info. Renew in person at your local MCPL with a photo ID and proof of address. Renewals are not possible by phone or email.
How many items can I check out, and for how long? What are the late fines?
Learn more about the checkout limits and loan periods for various items at MCPL, including books, movies, music, e-books and more! Also find information on late fines for these items.
How can I renew my items?
Renew library items easily online, in person, or via chat, text or phone! Use your 14-digit card number and PIN. Renewals extend due dates by 7–21 days unless the item has been requested by others.
Can I get a library card if I don’t live nearby?
Persons without a permanent residence in Wisconsin may apply for a temporary account and receive a library card. Applications for a temporary account must be made in person, and applicants must show...
What is my PIN or password?
Need help with your library PIN? It’s usually the last four digits of your phone number. Trouble logging in? Reset it online, or contact us to update your account.
How can I pay my library fines?
Library fines are charged for items that became overdue, lost or damaged while checked out on your library account. Options to pay these fines include: Pay online using your credit card: Log in to...
May I return my items to any public library?
Where a library item can be returned depends on how it was borrowed and which library owns it: Items owned by the Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) or any public library that is a member of...
Where can I use my library card?
Your MCPL account gives you free access to the collections of all public libraries in the Wisconsin Valley Library Service, plus e-books and audio books via Wisconsin’s Digital Library, online databases via BadgerLink, and physical collections throughout the state via Interlibrary Loan (WISCAT).
Why can’t I request certain items in the Library Catalog (V-Cat)?
Most often, this happens when trying to request a "new" or "high demand" item that isn't owned by your local library (e.g. if you live in Marathon County, the item isn't owned by any MCPL location)....
May I check out items or use a library computer without my library card?
Yes, but only if you are able to provide identification that proves the account is registered to you. This may include a state-issued driver's license or ID card, a military ID or a U.S. passport....
What should I do if I lose my library card?
Please contact us immediately and report your card as lost! You are responsible for anything checked out using your card, even if that person isn't you. Telling us to set your card to "lost" will...
What happens if I don’t return an item?
A "first notice" is sent when books are seven days overdue, or when interlibrary loans or DVDs are two days overdue. A "final notice" is sent 14 days later. The item is declared "lost" 35 days...
Can I see a list of the items I’ve borrowed in the past?
Yes, but first you must enable "Reading History." Library Catalog (V-Cat) Go to Log in if necessary. Select the "Start Recording My Reading...
What are “Lucky Day” items?
Items labeled with the phrase "Lucky Day" in the Library Catalog (V-Cat) are high demand items that cannot be put on hold and are only made available for immediate checkout at MCPL locations. What...
How will I be notified if I have overdue items or items being held?
When you sign up for a library card, you have the option to receive library notifications via email, phone (voice or text) or regular mail. Please note: Library notifications are sent as a courtesy....
Can I check out if I have fines or overdue items?
You may continue to check out items until: you accumulate more than $5 in fines, or you have more than 25 items overdue. If your account has been sent to collections due to excessive fines, you...
Can I have library items delivered to my home?
Our Homebound program is the only home delivery option available for MCPL patrons at this time. For Marathon County residents unable to visit the library due to age, illness, accident or disability,...
When will my requested item arrive? And how long will you hold it?
Discover how library hold requests work, expected arrival times, factors impacting delivery, and hold pickup policies at MCPL locations.
Should I notify the library if I change my address, phone number or email?
Yes, please! Having current residential and contact information in your library account is very important. This information may affect access to online resources and ensures accurate library...
How do I request (hold) items in the Library Catalog (V-Cat)?
To request (place a hold) on a library item: Log in to the Library Catalog (V-Cat) and find the item you want. Select the "Place Hold" button. You will receive a message showing where the item will...
How will I know when my materials are due?
When you check out library items, you have the option to receive a receipt that shows the dates the items are due. If you don't have your checkout receipt, you may use any of the following options:...
Do I need a library card for each MCPL location?
No. You only should have one library card for our library system, whether it's an MCPL card or a "V-Cat" card from another public library in the Wisconsin Valley Library Service. You may use your...
Can I view the library record of my child, family member or friend?
Only a parent or legal guardian may request access to the account of their child, and only if the child is less than 16 years old. Accessing another adult's account (or your 16 or 17-year-old...
Can I check out items or use my account without my library card?
Your library card is required to use your library account. This includes checking out items, requesting items, renewing items, updating contact information, viewing and paying fines, viewing items...
Why is my item’s due date (or renewal date) earlier than expected?
If you just checked out an item and its due date is earlier than you expected, please consider the following: Different types of items have different due dates, as specified in our checkout...
Why doesn’t the library have available copies of a popular item?
There often are more copies available than meet the eye! For example, additional copies may be checked out or held at other MCPL locations. Additionally, library staff order extra copies of items...
Can I cancel a request (hold) on an item if I don’t want it anymore?
Yes, you may cancel your request (hold) on an item if you decide you no longer want to wait for it to become available. This allows high demand items to reach other patrons more quickly, and is much...
Can I close my library account?
Yes, we will close your library account upon request, provided there are no outstanding fines or items currently checked out on the account. Please note: Only the person named on the account may...
Can I change where I pick up requested items?
Yes, you can change where you pick up library items. Contact us for assistance, or use the options listed below. For Library Catalog (V-Cat) items: To change your "preferred pickup location" for...
Can school or daycare groups check out materials when they visit?
If you are a teacher who wants your students to check out books during a group visit to the library: Please ensure your students bring their own library cards to the library. If students do not have...
How do I create a list of items in the library catalog?
To create lists in the Library Catalog (V-Cat): Log in to your account. From the "My Account" webpage, select "My Lists" (in the left sidebar, or under the "account" icon on smaller screens). Select...
Can I get a library card for my child?
Yes, you can decide when your child is old enough to have their own card (even as a newborn baby), but please be aware: as parent/guardian, you are responsible for all items borrowed — including...

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)
- Phone: 715-261-7200
- Fax: 715-261-7204
- Email:
- 24/7 account status: 715-261-7209