Join us this summer for field trips to the Mead Wildlife Area and experience unforgettable outdoor activities for all ages! Everyone is invited to join us on August 7th for our Art in Nature event! Nature has inspired artists since the beginning of time. Let’s appreciate art in nature together!
Meet at MCPL-Wausau in the lower library parking lot on West Washington Street and hop on our bus for free transportation departing at 12:45 pm. Once we arrive at the Mead Wildlife area, participants will learn about art as a part of natural conservation, use art to explore the world around us, and take a poetry walk. As a bonus, there will be free giveaways! After our fun, we’ll take the bus back and arrive at MCPL-Wausau at 3:45 pm.
This event is free, but due to limited space, registration is required. Registration for this event opens on July 7. Check back on July 7, and below will be a blue register button. You may also register in person at the MCPL-Wausau Reference Desk on the second floor or call 715-261-7230. Registration will be capped at 40 participants and will close on Tuesday, August 5. Please note that minors must be accompanied by an adult on all field trips.
Check out our other Summer at Mead events happening this summer! For more information, call 715-261-7230.
See below for important parking information:
Parking in the upper library lot on North First Street is free, but space is limited. Parking in the lower lot is managed by the city. Parking is free for the first two hours after registering your car at the booth or via the Passport app, and then it is $1.00 per additional hour.
For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on
(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)