Wausau: Winter Trail Tales
Nine Mile County Forest 221700 Red Bud Road, WausauKids and their families are invited to visit Nine Mile County Forest to read a story on the cross-country ski trail!
Kids and their families are invited to visit Nine Mile County Forest to read a story on the cross-country ski trail!
Enjoy puzzles, looking for a new challenge, or ready to share the ones you have? Help make our Pass It Forward Puzzle Share a success!
Stop by MCPL-Wausau in February to see the annual Art Cluster exhibit!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times!
Join us for a special story time featuring "Goodnight Moon" and "The Runaway Bunny" by Margaret Wise Brown in connection with the Arts in Education series at The Grand Theater!
Stop by the Mosinee Branch during open hours February 3-8 to make fun hedgehog crafts!
Stop at the Wausau location from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm every Tuesday to play cribbage and meet new players!
Knitters and crocheters, join us to create a twiddlemuff - a sensory tool used for people with dementia.
For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on VisitWausau.com.
(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)