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Edgar: Weather Week

Marathon County Public Library—Edgar Branch 224 South 3rd Avenue, Edgar

Learn about different types of weather and events through a variety of crafts and activities!

Mosinee: Glass Bead Magnets

Marathon County Public Library—Mosinee Branch 123 Main Street, Mosinee

Adults, young adults, and tweens are invited to make unique magnets using glass beads and scrapbook paper.

Event Series Family Story Time

Stratford: Family Story Time

Marathon County Public Library—Stratford Branch 213201 Scholar Street, Stratford

Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times at MCPL locations across the county!

Event Series Mini Makers

Rothschild: Mini Makers

Marathon County Public Library—Rothschild Branch 211 Grand Avenue, Rothschild

Kids are invited to get creative and explore child-led process art with a variety of projects!

Marathon City: Pressed Flower Bookmarks

Marathon County Public Library—Marathon City Branch 515 Washington Street, Marathon City

Teens and adults are invited to Marathon City to make pressed flower bookmarks.

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Community events:

For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on

(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)