Kids and their parents and caregivers are invited to create a winter hat art piece!
Kids and their families are invited to visit Nine Mile County Forest to read a story on the cross-country ski trail!
Adults and teens are invited to create a homemade notebook or journal to start the new year off organized!
Drop-in anytime at MCPL Wausau during the week of 23-30 to make an upcycled "gingerbread" house out of cardboard and other supplies!
Join us for a series of movies for kids during these late December no-school days!
Teens are invited to join us at the library to create a custom neon sign using electroluminescent (EL) wire.
For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on
(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)