We are celebrating the “Color Our World” theme through our activity book, summer performances, craft activities, book displays and more! Our summer programming has something for all ages, but it is especially geared towards school-age children, tweens and teens.
Join us at the library for a hands-on lantern-making event for all ages!
Come to the library all week long and make upcycled paper beads from magazines!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times on the third Tuesday of every month!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times at MCPL locations across the county!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times at MCPL locations across the county!
Teens ages 13-18 are invited to our Dungeons & Dragons Summer Adventure!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for family story times at MCPL locations across the county!
Children and their parents and caregivers are invited to our Bluey®-themed story time party!
Join us in Wausau on the third Wednesday of every month for modern board games at Community Game Night!
Children age 6 and younger, and their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us every Thursday this summer for family story times at MCPL-Wausau!
Children age 7 and under, along with their parents and caregivers, are invited to join us for a special "Rainbow Fish"-themed story time at MCPL-Marathon City!
Join us as we welcome certified therapy dog, Sunny, back to Rothschild this summer!
For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on VisitWausau.com.
(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)