Young Adult Library Groups Coming in 2024
MCPL Mosinee – TAG
What ages/grades can join?
Katie: The TAG age range is 7th -12th grades, specifically for those in the Mosinee area who would use the Mosinee branch. Anybody in those grades is welcome no matter what school they go to or if they’re home schooled.
What is the purpose of the group, and what will youth get to do at meetings?
K: The main purpose of the group is to advise branch staff on what kinds of programs they want to see for teens and to give them the opportunity to plan and run programs themselves. It’s also a time for teens to hang out and get to know one another and have fun. The meetings and activities would go along with the purpose of advising staff and planning programs.
Why would youth want to join?
K: There are lots of benefits for the teens! The first would be more relevant and exciting programs at the library for their age group. Also, it helps build valuable life and job skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, and problem-solving, and TAG membership looks great on college applications! The hope is that the teens can also make new friends and connections and have fun together.
How can interested teens join?
K: Applications are required and they are available in paper form at the branch and online under the event listing. The “Register” button will take them to a Google doc that they can either print and bring to the branch in person or email to the branch email.
What days and times will meetings take place?
K: The first meeting is set for January 16, 2024 from 4-5 pm in the upstairs meeting room at Mosinee. There will be a meeting at the same time on the third Tuesday of each month through May. Teens who participate are required to attend at least half of the meetings to still be considered active and involved, so they must be aware that it is an ongoing commitment.

MCPL Wausau – YALL
What ages/grades can join?
Robyn: The YALL age range is 6th-12th grade.
What is the purpose of the group and what will youth get to do at the meetings?
R: The vision of YALL is to create a safe space where teens feel welcome to share their ideas for the library, develop meaningful connections with their peers, and be inspired to become lifelong library users. We will discuss ideas for teen programs, the teen area, book displays, and material purchase suggestions. We will also share feedback about recent programs, discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities, and share what media (books, games, tv shows, etc.) we’re currently enjoying! We will wrap up with a short game or activity – examples could be Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, themed trivia, or a small craft.
Why would youth want to join?
R: YALL is a place to meet new people, spend time with each other, and have fun! [It’s] an opportunity to be in charge and make change happen! YALL is a place for teen voices to be heard and respected. Participants gain leadership and teamwork skills that look great on college applications and job resumes.
How can interested teens join?
R: Just show up at the scheduled time! No application or registration required. There are no stipulations to joining YALL – all teens are welcome!
What days and times will the meetings take place?
R: The first meeting is Tuesday, February 6, 2024 from 6-7pm, in the first floor study room. Future meetings will fall on the first Tuesday of every month: 3/5, 4/2, and 5/7. Summer YALL meetings are yet to be determined.

Interested teens can apply for TAG on the MCPL event page, or get more info by calling Mosinee Branch at 715-693-2144. Interested young adults can learn more about YALL by visiting the MCPL event page, or by calling the Wausau Headquarters at 715-261-7220. Additionally, MCPL Stratford’s Youth Library Team will continue to meet in 2024. Stratford area youth can call 715-687-4420 to learn more and get involved.
-Allycia S. / Library Specialist

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)
- Phone: 715-261-7200
- Fax: 715-261-7204
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- 24/7 account status: 715-261-7209