Video Games

The library’s Wausau Headquarters has video games for checkout! 

View and request these games using the Library Catalog (V-Cat) as linked on this page. 

You may also browse currently available games on the shelves at MCPL Wausau. 

Video games:

  • may be checked out for 14 days. 
  • may be renewed twice for an additional 14 days from the date of each renewal (as long as no one else has requested the item). 
  • if returned late, will accrue a fine of $1 per day. 
  • are limited to one item checked out per patron account. 


Please note: We offer video games with a variety of ratings β€” including adult titles.

  • β€œJuvenile” video games generally are rated β€œE” (everyone) and β€œE10+” (everyone age 10+).
  • β€œAdult” video games are those with ratings that are more mature than E10+.

Review the ESRB Game Ratings Guide to determine which games you may find appropriate.

video game controller
Marathon County Public Library

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)