Wausau: Summer Library Program Kickoff Party!

Oak Island Park 500 River Drive, Wausau, WI, United States

Join us in celebrating the start of our Summer Library Program, Color Our World, at Oak Island Park!

Hatley: Tom Pease

Marathon County Public Library—Hatley Branch 435 Curtis Avenue, Hatley, WI, United States

Join us for an exciting performance by singer & entertainer, Tom Pease!

Rothschild: Tom Pease

George Street Park 707 George Street, Rothschild, WI, United States

Join us for an exciting performance by singer & entertainer, Tom Pease!

Event Series Pokémon Club

Wausau: Pokémon Club

Marathon County Public Library—Wausau Headquarters 300 First Street, Wausau, WI, United States

Join fellow Pokémon fans each month to trade cards and discuss all things Pokémon!

Mosinee: Children’s Obstacle Course

River Park 1098-1070 Armory Rd, Mosinee, WI, United States

Come seek adventure with an obstacle course for children off-site at River Park!

Spencer: Spencerama Days at the Library!

Marathon County Public Library—Spencer Branch 105 South Park Street, Spencer, WI, United States

Join us to show your Spencer pride for Spencerama Days at the library!

Wausau: Dragon Training Academy

Oak Island Park 500 River Drive, Wausau, WI, United States

Join us at Oak Island Park for an exciting performance from the Dragon Training Academy!

Spencer: Dragon Training Academy

Lions Park 105 South Park Street, Spencer, WI, United States

Join us at Lions Park for an exciting performance from the Dragon Training Academy!

Marathon City: Animal Acrobats

Marathon Area Elementary School 100 Spring Valley Drive, Marathon City, WI, United States

Discover how different animals move at a special Animal Acrobats presentation!

Athens: Animal Acrobats

Athens Community Hall 221 Caroline Street, Athens, WI, United States

Discover how different animals move at a special Animal Acrobats presentation!

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Community events:

For additional Wausau-area events, check out the events calendar on VisitWausau.com.

(Please note: While library events are included on this site, the majority are not affiliated with MCPL.)