12.01: Friends of the Marathon County Public Library

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 12.01: Friends of the Marathon County Public Library...

12.02: Marathon County Public Library Foundation

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 12.02: Marathon County Public Library Foundation...

13.01: Collection Development Policy

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.01: Collection Development Policy Policies &...

13.03: Weeding the Collection Policy

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.03: Weeding the Collection Policy Policies &...

13.04: Donation Policy

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.04: Donation Policy Policies & Procedures No...

13.05: Donation Procedures

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.05: Donation Procedures Policies & Procedures...

13.06: Complaint Policy for Materials Collection

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.06: Complaint Policy for Materials Collection...

13.07: Complaint Procedure for Materials Collection

πŸ“– Keyword Title Start of Title Series Author Subject Call Number Advanced Search in Library Catalog in Articles & Databases in Lists in Library Website in Combined Results Search FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow 13.07: Complaint Procedure for Materials Collection...