Academic Search Premier
Academic journals for scholarly research.
For college-level and adult researchers, this comprehensive database includes articles from 4,700+ full-text publications in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, religion & theology, psychology and more. Includes over 4,000 peer-reviewed journals, and indexing and abstracts are included for more than 13,800 journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 and beyond are available for over 100 journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
Access to this resource is provided by Badgerlink. BadgerLink is Wisconsin’s Online Library, providing Wisconsin residents with licensed content not available through regular search engines. BadgerLink is a service provided by the Department of Public Instruction, and its resources and staff are paid for with state funding and federal funding from the Institute of Museum & Library Services. For more information about BadgerLink, visit

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