1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Marathon County Public Library is challenging parents to read more books with their children!

The “1,000 Books Before Kindergarten” initiative is meant to introduce children to a wide range of literature, encourage families to spend quality time together and promote pre-literacy and learning so children enter school ready to read, listen and learn.

Although 1,000 books sounds like a huge number, consider this: If you read one book a day (or the same book day after day), you could finish in less than three years. Ten books per week? Less than two years. We’ll give you tips and suggestions, too.

 Visit your local MCPL to sign up and get started! Incentives include stickers, books and book bags. Contact us for more information.

Please note: The online participation option is being discontinued in 2025.

This program is sponsored by the Marathon County Public Library Foundation.

rainbow colored sunflower growing from a book in a field
PLEASE NOTE: MCPL patron access to this app will be discontinued after April 2025, per an announcement by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Contact us for details: 715-261-7220.
Marathon County Public Library

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)