Career Connection
Library staff can help you find your next job!
Services available to local job seekers:
- Collections of books on finding jobs and the application process, available via the library catalog.
- Databases and suggested websites for finding jobs and improving job-related skills.
- Free proofreading of resumes, cover letters and other job-related documents.
- Limited job application assistance while using computers at your local MCPL (subject to staff availability).
- Extended job application assistance via “Tech Time” appointments at MCPL Wausau.
- Study room usage for virtual job interviews (applicants only), applying for jobs and similar activities.
Call 715-261-7230, contact us online or visit your local MCPL for more information!
To find and apply for jobs throughout the state, visit the Job Center of Wisconsin website! The Job Center of Wisconsin is free Wisconsin-centered employment exchange that links employers with job seekers. It is operated by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the Wisconsin Job Center system.

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)
- Phone: 715-261-7200
- Fax: 715-261-7204
- Email:
- 24/7 account status: 715-261-7209