Switch to the Libby app soon!
2023-1-10 update: The OverDrive app will stop working after April 2023.
If you use the OverDrive app to access Wisconsin’s Digital Library for free e-books, e-magazines and audiobooks, please switch to the Libby app by the end of April 2023.
The OverDrive app has been “sunsetted” by its creator — i.e. the app will no longer be updated or supported, and eventually, it will be discontinued.
All of the same e-books, e-magazines and audiobooks are available on the Libby app.
If you’re not sure which app you’re using, the OverDrive app’s icon looks like a white “O” on a blue background. The Libby app’s icon is burgundy and teal and shows a character reading a book.
If you need assistance installing and using Libby on your smartphone, tablet or computer, please contact us.
More information and places to watch for related updates:
- Libby Transition FAQs: https://resources.overdrive.com/libby-faqs
- Libby Help Documentation: https://help.libbyapp.com
- Free Libby webinars: https://overdrive.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-PMb12r7QCqGooan3h9bUA
* Kindle Fire users:
- According to OverDrive in August 2021: “Libby is not currently available to download from the Amazon App Store. OverDrive has requested information and a timeline for approval from Amazon but has not yet received an update. In the meantime, Kindle Fire users can stream ebooks and audiobooks in their browser from libbyapp.com or your library’s OverDrive website. Users can also deliver Kindle Books to a Fire tablet from a device that supports Libby or from libbyapp.com (US only). For now, the OverDrive app will also continue to be available from the Amazon Appstore.”
- According to OverDrive in June 2022: “Kindle Fire users can sideload Libby onto their device manually with our APK (Android Package file), since Amazon has not yet accepted our submission of the Libby app to the Amazon Appstore. Once the APK is installed, the Libby app will appear and function like any other app on your Fire tablet.” For assistance with this option, please contact us.

Marathon County Public Library (MCPL)
- Phone: 715-261-7200
- Fax: 715-261-7204
- Email: info@mcpl.us
- 24/7 account status: 715-261-7209